Here we are in Holiday Season again, though in, what many argue is, the year from Hell. Terrible opening, I know, but I don't really have much energy today. 😏
We, along with a lot of other people, chose to get our Christmas tree exceedingly early, so we've been enjoying that since just before Thanksgiving. I bought us some very cute Christmas stockings off Etsy. I'm not disappointed with the aesthetics, at all, but I can't help but compare them to the stockings we had growing up with were bigger and softer and just as cute, if not more. Oh well. I really like looking at them hanging on our mantle, reminding me that I have my OWN FAMILY now! I have wanted my own family (a husband, a child, or both) for most of my adult life and at the mid-century point, I have both a husband and darling daughter (plus two pets). Pretty amazing, really, and I'm very grateful.
Honestly, though, I must admit my husband is getting on my last nerve at the moment. Sometimes, he can be judgmental and try and fix things, versus be understanding and compassionate, but he won't own that. He will respond with something like, "I'm sorry I'm not saying things the way YOU want me to say them!" Argh! So simplified and not responding to my specific comment or request.
Anyway...overall, I am very grateful. :) We went to my Aunt and Uncle's house yesterday to make Christmas cookies, and Ellie was able to spend a little time with her cousin, playing with dolls and toddling around the house exploring all the new and different decorations - and causing Mommy to run over and save a decoration or two at times, but it was pretty cute. This Aunt is my Mother's sister (my mom who passed away when I was four), and I've missed seeing her this last year.
As a side note, I know everyone has their own level of comfort with risk, and beliefs about COVID policies. I wear a mask and believe in following guidelines and policies, but, when it comes to close family, I'm of a little different mind. Maybe because I experienced the death of a parent so young or because I've experienced multiple other family deaths of people with whom I was close, but you never know when it will be the last time or the last holiday or the last year with someone. And no, I don't want to put them at risk, but you have to weigh the level of risk on each side. As for me, I want to spend potentially the last few holiday visits with my father and my Aunt, and I want them to know Ellie and for there to be memories and pictures of Ellie with them for her to look back on and treasure. That matters to me a lot and is worth the small level of increased risk versus isolating. We are washing hands, using sanitizer, cleaning surfaces, and it was a fairly small group yesterday. Others would strongly disagree, and I respect that, but to me, it is worth it.
My birthday is Wednesday, and I don't think we are going to get together with others for that, so probably get some yummy dinner in and do cake and presents as a little family. Christmas Day, those of us in my immediate local family agreed we wanted to do Christmas morning and opening stockings on our own, in our own houses, then we will likely get together at my sister's house to open presents and have dinner. These are the folks that have been periodically gathering together all along this year, so you could call us a "pod" at this point.
I have almost all my Christmas shopping done; the vast majority online, which is a little weird. We bought Ellie her first table and chair, which are Montessori design and fit together in a cute, space-saving way. I also found a Play-skool Noah's Arc, which has a nostalgic meaning to me, as I had a similar arc I loved to play with at my Grammy's when I was little. Additionally, we actually bought a princess tent with glow-in-the-dark stars for my young niece, but my brother told me she already has one so we are giving it to Ellie. The more I think about it, I believe she will love it! A couple other little things, but those are the main presents for her. I'm as excited for her to get gifts as I am to get my own, if not more!
I'll end this disjointed post by sharing a little about Ellie's current developments...she is walking and even semi-running (walking quickly?) everywhere and does this adorable thing where she puts her arms down and turns them up behind her like she's holding a cape and walks one direction, turns around, walks the other direction, turns around, etc. So cute! She has recently climbed all the way up our fairly steep stairs, so that's something we now child proof with a gate when she's out of the blocked-off living room area. She still loves exploring and reading books and delicately flips through the pages of her books on her own, sometimes talking in a certain character voice from that book.
She also babbles to herself like she's pretending or talking in character sometimes when playing with toys or animals. She says a few words (num-num for food and boobs, mama and mommy, dada and daddy, meow, neigh, bah for ball, and then she'll repeat things I say one time but usually won't repeat herself again), and it feels like she'll take off talking at any moment. We can't get enough of her dancing; she bops up and down in the most endearing way. We danced a lot when she was extra fussy/colicky as a tiny baby and her father and I met each other through a dance group, so she has dancing in her bones.
I plan to try and blog a little more. When I do write, it seems I have quite a bit to say, and I think writing is grounding for me. I am currently working with four clients, the most I've had since moving to Oregon, and that is grounding, too, actually, to exercise my professional self.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and/or Happy Holidays to All! Sending lots of love and hope you have some joy coming your way as this crazy year comes to an end.