Please send good thoughts or prayers that I am given an assignment with my new college for 10 to 16 hours a week. I am doing some training with them starting February 7th, then they said they will see what hours are still needed. 16 hours is the maximum number of hours an adjunct counselor can work, and 10 to 16 hours will allow me to meet my financial obligations and stay in this house, when added to my nonprofit and business hours.
It's crazy to think that one hour at the college pays 2 1/2 times what my nonprofit pays, so 10 hours at the college is like 25 to 30 at the nonprofit! But I still really love working at the nonprofit and the sense of family and support there. I feel they would be great Aunties and extended family for a little one.
My homestudy requirements are almost entirely met. Yesterday, I saw my doctor and checked the medical forms off the list. I still need to submit my income and expense form, but I am waiting to hear about the college hours first. Then another couple of safety latches in the kitchen and another home walk-through and that's about it.
Sending all the good thoughts your way!