
Winter Lament

Popping in to let you all know (you’re welcome :-)) that we have been dealing with a little girl’s constipation over here for almost two weeks, and I am so ready to be done with it. We have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow with the head of the practice, so I hope she has some really effective advice for us. I thought at first it might be a lingering side effect of a 24-hour virus she had, but seems beyond that now. 

We started yesterday with small doses of miralax and have been giving juice and pears and veggies. It’s helping a little, maybe, but she’s still struggling. Lots of, “Pick me up, Mommy!” Said in a pitiful tone. 😢 Sad and exhausting. 

I admit that we have not been working as hard as we should be to get her to eat veggies. She often eats one fruit/veggie pouch every day or two and eats lots of fruit. She doesn’t like most veggies but will eat bites when we feed them to her of zucchini, carrots, and asparagus. Tonight I tried chopping  broccoli up in really small pieces and sautéing it in butter, and she ate three bites of that, which I count as a win. 

Any tips or recipes toddlers will eat with veggies hidden in them? Is constipation a developmental thing most kids go through? 

A few other updates, since I’m here and haven’t posted in quite a while…

Winter is dragging on now in the NW and getting really old - move on buddy, you’ve overstayed your welcome. I wore a summer dress the other day to try and nudge the weather. ha

Ellie is going to start preschool in about a month!! We are excited, and I know she is ready for more variety and time with other kids. It will only be part-time so not too hard of a separation. 

Our cohousing project is well underway, and they said we might even be able to move-in early. We will see. Right now, still planning on end of October/beginning of November. I’ve been spending time on committee work, and we’ve sold the last two units (one to family with a 16-year-old). 

At some point Ellie full-on entered toddlerville, and, though I wouldn’t call them terrible, I do now understand where the term “terrible twos” came from. Lots of strong emotions and expressing wants and needs all the time. “I don’t!!” Is something we hear regularly, meaning I don’t want to do whatever you just asked me to do. 

But she has also become so actively loving and affectionate, and she says, “I love you,” all the time, in the sweetest way. ❤️ She loves to help, and we really need to get one of those kitchen towers so she can safely stand and help us in the kitchen. 

Signing off for now to watch some tv and shut off my mind for a while. Sad and worried about Ukraine, as I’m sure you all are. Sending prayers. 


  1. Exciting things happening (cohousing and preschool -- not the constipation!). Just a thought before you see your physician -- read more about Miralax and the potential psychiatric side effects for children, as well as the ingredient list. Good luck in finding a solution!

    1. Hmm, interesting. That does not sound good. Have you had any first or second hand experiences to that effect? My doctor recommended giving a certain amount to her with lots of fluids.
