
Microblog Monday - FET Update #4

We are sitting in the SF Airport, making our way through a five-hour layover. Because of my delayed start to the progesterone, we have a full day in Sacramento tomorrow with absolutely nothing planned. If only we were in Paris with the same problem. lol We did bring our computers so we are able to get some work done.

Then, we head to the clinic on Wednesday at 11am for the transfer. I’m starting to feel excited! And am feeling hopeful that the lovenox will be the necessary component for a sticky bean. Taking meds this time has a familiarity to it, like, “Oh yeah, I’m more sleepy again, that’s probably the estrogen,” and, “Oh wow, who woke up on the bitchy side of the bed this morning, must be the progesterone.” The FET meditation tracks have definitely been helpful in providing a touchstone and nurturing aspect to the process.

On another note, RC had three recent interviews, the latest on this morning, and should hear back in the next week. I’m applying for postings outside my normal career trajectory, as well, as we want to get some more money coming in ASAP. Then, we can continue to work towards our true job goals; which for me is advising/ counseling work at the U of O, as well as several career counseling clients.

Back to playing the waiting game at the airport...I’m going to try and find a book or magazine. La te da. Please send good thoughts for Wednesday morning! 💕


  1. Just seeing this now, but I hope the Wednesday transfer went well. Fingers crossed for you!
