
Long Overdue Update

I apologize for the dearth of updates.  The last cycle did not work.  It ended - or the next cycle started, depending on how you look at it - very oddly.  I had two days of very dark spotting, one day more of increased dark spotting - almost a light flow - then into a very heavy period.  I'm not sure if something started to happen and didn't take?  Or maybe it was related to the Chinese herbs I had begun that month?  In any case, it was very strange and like nothing I had experienced before.

That was 13 days ago.  My OPKs this cycle tried to confuse me with several light lines, sometimes a bit darker, but always significantly less than the test line.  Finally, I saw a dark line on Thursday morning and went in for the IUI yesterday.  This is cause for celebration!  I finally got an IUI in on a "bump cycle," following a medicated cycle.  There was a lot of psychological weight around that for me, for whatever reason, and it helps me feel like we made our best effort to conceive with my own eggs.  Other things I'm doing right now to give a best effort:

  • Added Fish Oil and Wheatgrass to my load o' daily supplements (currently: DHEA, COQ10, vitamin D3, L-Arginine, prenatal, baby aspirin).
  • Seeing a "real" acupuncturist every week or so, which includes electro-stimulation, heat lamps, and lots of needles.
  • As mentioned above, I have also added Chinese herbs under the care of my acupuncturist.

I will try and do better with posting updates over the next couple of weeks.  S and I head off to the big Transition/Permaculture conference next weekend, so I'm gearing up for that and preparing to lead the Saturday opening circle.  S will be moderating a political panel.  We had a rough time this week but, after some open talking and a counseling session (for him) today, we are in a good place.  Having some adult time today was wonderful - and helped with the ttc efforts, as well!

Happy Beginning of Fall to Everyone!


  1. It sounds like you're doing all you can do! Sending you lots of good thoughts during this tww. :)

    Glad you're continuing to talk through the difficult things. Hopefully it gets easier and easier as time goes on.

    1. Thank you, Jenny. :) I hope so, too - I'm ready for a shift to being able to navigate conflict a bit better in the moment.

  2. I'm glad the timing of the IUI went well It does sound like you are doing just about everything possible. I know that relationships can be a lot of work, but I am glad that you and S continue working on it.

  3. Great to hear from you. All the best with this cycle. You certainly are doing everything needed to get the best outcome. I am always impressed at your and S's commitment to talk things through and work things out. Very heart warming and shows how deeply you care about each other.

  4. I hope this cycle is going well - you must be getting into the homestretch of this 2ww? So glad you finally got a "bump" cycle in!

    1. Yes, almost to day 10 of this 2ww and no significant signs to speak of... I'll try and do an update tomorrow. But yes, yay for finally nailing the bump cycle! :)
