
Community Considerations

 I’m coming off yet another Zoom call where I spent tons of time listening to other people and did not feel seen for the whole last half. I dearly wished that the facilitator would have facilitated and structure things a bit more. As awkward as it can be, you have to step in and stop people from talking sometimes. People lose track of time, myself included, when they are venting or sharing things they feel strongly about. For the good of the whole group, which includes the speaker, I think you have to be a little flexible, but then move things along. Unless it’s a deep, wound type of share, which might get more leeway. 

Anyway, argh! So frustrating. I asked a couple questions at a certain point and people jumped in and started answering. I commented on one persons share, as it grew into a conversation, but never got a chance to answer. Anyway, oh well, just had to vent about that. 

The call was a social for families who are members or exploring becoming members of a cohousing community. We are exploring and taking steps to join - very exciting but also scary! The community won’t be built for another year. You have to prequalify for a loan, which we’ve done, and then come up with 20% down, which we cannot do. We are talking to folks about a payment plan and gathering resources that we can come up with. Lots of older members but now families starting to join or consider joining. Thinking of all the benefits for Ellie. 

Anyway, more later, but this is big, and I do wish the call today had been more connecting. Do any of you live in a close-knit community?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kristina...been reading your blog entries but just not been able to reply. Gad you were able to enjoy a trip to Bend for Easter. Ellie's Easter egg hunt sounds so fun!
    I am very intrigued by community living and look forward to reading about your journey as you decide. I live in a sub-division of single family homes but is a small street so we know everyone and we are lucky to have wonderful immediate neighbors (next doors and across) who look out for us and help when needed (eg when my dad was in ICU they looked after Beanie so I could visit him).
