
Potential Crisis of Timing?

I was just calendaring my next monitoring appointment, scheduled for Wednesday, when I realized that it falls on Day 12 of my cycle.  In the recent past, I ovulated as early as Day 10!  My average ovulation day, however, is Day 13...

I don't understand how the monitoring and cycle timing works if you're not suppressing ovulation.  You can't exactly hold the train for other follicles to catch up or that sort of thing.  My protocol includes a trigger shot.  Does ovulation occur predictably at a certain follicle size, so the doctor could tell if I'm about to ovulate on my own?  And isn't it possible that I might "prematurely ovulate" for lack of a better phrase?

Perhaps I'm over-thinking?  It wouldn't be the first time!


  1. As far as I know, ovulation does not occur based on a specific follicle size. I think the only way to tell when ovulation occurs is through a blood draw and u/s (unless you use an OPK). I would call your RE's office and let them know about your concern with early ovulation. Maybe they can get you in a few days in advance of the appointment you have now, just to be on the safe side.

  2. I always ovulate early, so even when they tell me to come in on like CD 12 - I always have to insist to come in on more like CD 9. My follicles grow pretty fast. I would definitely call and see if you could possible come in sooner, just in case. Better to check too early than to check too late. I hate the timing and stress of it all! *hugs* Good luck!!

  3. I agree with Sams. I think you should call them and get an earlier monitoring. When I did IUI's (w/Femara only) I was not triggerered but was using OPK so as soon as it went positive I had the IUI 24 hrs later. Another option is for you to use OPK and keep track of it on your own so if you do see a surge earlier you have time to react.

    1. Thanks for OPK idea! Do you remember if you ovulated a bit later on the Femara?

  4. Definitely call and see if they can get you in sooner.

    My follies always grew very fast on meds and i was always ready to go by cd10. There was one month where they weren't sure if I even needed the trigger because my follies were ready to pop by day 10.

    1. Hi Jenny, Were you ever on Femara too? Do you remember what cycle day you started your injections?

  5. Thank you all for your thoughts, I really appreciate it!
    I've emailed the doc and will put a call in too. The thing is that Monday is a holiday, and I don't think they're doing monitoring appointments? So the earliest I could get in is Tuesday, Cycle Day 11, which is better but still close for comfort.
    Doesn't Femara (and maybe Clomid) sometimes lengthen your follicular phase a bit? Grasping at straws here...
    In any case, great idea about OPKs, Sunflower, I'm totally going to do that.
