
Good Timing

Knocking on wood over here, but I think the IUI was timed very well.  It feels so good to think the timing might finally have been right, after five prior IUIs that all felt like they were done somewhat late. 

I saw the surge on an OPK Tuesday night, which I think means I was well on my way to surging on my own, if not already there, when I did the HCG trigger shot.  Then, Wednesday morning, my temperature showed a dip, and I did the IUI later that day.  This morning, my temperature rose by two and a half tenths.  So, I'm thinking the sp.erm might have arrived a few hours before the egg.  It could have been a half day prior, though, which might be pushing it on timing with a frozen sample.  What do you think about the timing?

I taught my middle school classes today.  This morning, I felt quite a bit of uncomfortable cramping.  Not unbearable, and I didn't need to take anything, but definitely uncomfortable and somewhat intense at times.  No bleeding though.  Has anyone else experience this?  By afternoon, I was fine.  It maybe have been uterine irritation, or reaction to the sp.erm, or possibly ovulation?  I hope it wasn't ovulation, as that would put it on the late side.  It felt more uterine than ovary-based, so I think it was some kind of irritation/reaction. 

Luckily, I'm not working at the college or middle school tomorrow.  I'll be doing computer work for my other job and catching up on things around the house, but don't have to drive anywhere, thank God.  I've done WAY too much commuting back and forth in rush hour traffic the past three days.  How do people do that every day, like with the long commutes of an hour or more?  Blech.  Grateful to have some home time.


  1. good luck! I can never figure out my IUI timings...

  2. Good luck, Kristina! The timing sounds good and cramping is normal. I had it also after all my IUI's, but in my case it was later the same day.

  3. Sounds like great timing to me!

    Cramping after an IUI isn't uncommon. I had it with one or two of mine. I really doubt that it would have been ovulation pains if your temperature shot up that morning.

    1. Thanks, Jenny! It didn't totally shoot up, but it was like it was starting to shoot up... so I'm hoping I ovulated in the middle of the night or in the wee hours of the morning. :)

  4. Praying for you that timing with your IUI was just right and that you see a BFP this month! I can't offer any advice on your questions though since I've never had a positive beta before. Hoping that this is the month for both of us!

    1. Me too! Praying that this is the month for both of us!

  5. Yay! Sounds like absolute perfect timing!! I've had cramping from mine before. I think it's a good sign that things are working like they should. :-) Could be from the nice, ripe eggies or the actual IUI/sperm/and some irritation. Definitely normal and a good thing though. :-) *Fingers crossed and baby dust*

  6. Wow! Just catching up and this is so exciting, Kristina! Sending you all the positive energy and light I can muster (and I have a really really good feeling!!!)

    1. Thank you, Maddy! So appreciating the positive energy and light (and your good feeling)!

  7. Sounds like your timing was awesome! I hope you have a fast 2ww! And a successful IUI...
