
The Clearer the Vision. . .

Reflective Questions from a Mid-Life Career Article for Women on the Psychology Today website.  What would your answers be?  You are invited to answer in the comments section.  Maybe the clearer the vision, the closer the reality. . .

  • What do I feel I should have done by this time in my life?
Gotten married and had a baby.  Have a big savings account.  Own a house/condo.  Be more "established" and have higher status in my career.

  • Is there something more important and fulfilling that I can focus on now?
Not really.  I am focusing on the dating/baby thing as best I can.  Okay, well, I could focus more on having more discipline and integrating more structured spiritual practices and learning events.  Spending more time in nature.  

Initiating creative craft and/or choreography projects, possibly set goals? (maybe research classes at community centers and on the online community trade site. Ask artist/dance friends for ideas)

  • What do I want more of in my life? 
Sex!  haha  But true!

Family-focused time/activities like exploring, playing, planning, setting mutual goals and working together to accomplish, creating and dancing together, gardening, shared spiritual practice, personal growth.  Being parent (s).  Imagine everything will be more fun and meaningful when we do things as a family (whatever my family looks like).  

Using my greatest gifts in my work and experiencing mutual appreciation/recognition with those I work for and with. Having a sense of accomplishment and that I am making an appreciable difference towards sustainability/ localization/ conscious evolution.

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