

Made the best never-before-made dinner tonight of collard green sauteed in garlic with lemon, and curry quinoa cooked with vegetable broth and more garlic.  Plus some sauteed marsala tempeh on the side.  yum!  Maybe I'll have to cook quinoa more often.

I don't have much to say today but wanted to keep up my NaBloPoMo streak.  Well, clearly I've missed a day here and there but in general want to be making the every day effort.

It is definitely a different experience to blog daily versus every few days or so.  I'm appreciating the experience of greater commitment and the sense that blogging is more integrated in my life, versus occasional stories or outpouring of feeling.

Yesterday's post (reflecting on my time of unemployment) is still bouncing around my brain, actually, and was helpful to write in more ways than one.  If you haven't voted yet, please take a second and vote if you are able!

I'll sign off by sending a congratulatory shout-out to SurlyMama for her beautiful BFP.  Exciting news!


  1. Oooh, curry quinoa sounds good! I'll have to try that.

  2. Thank you for the nice comment! I have recently started eating quinoa and am so surprised by its versatility. Your dish sounds delicious!
